Business is Slow  – now what?

Be tender with yourself during the slow times in your business.

I  panicked all the time – Too much business – get it done, get it done, do it right, get it done.

I panicked when there was too little business. Get more work, get more work, where is the work?

A few productive suggestions for that slow time – Doing these suggestions will help you relax and regenerate yourself.


Use the time to relax, review and rethink your business.

  1. Slow 101 – Review that business plan – if you don’t have one, write one. Meet with a seasoned business owner or business coach to review it with you. The hour or two reviewing your plan  is clarifying and focusing.  You’ll find yourself taking a deep breathe.  You will know your next steps. Your clarity of purpose and focus will remove the panic in your stomach.  What you may find is that you are not slow at all.  You income stream may be a little slow but you can catch up both work and income with a good strategy.
  2. Slow 102 – Read     Catch up on current business trends, and read a good business book. ( I recommend you read at least 15 minutes a day every day – busy or not)
    1. A few reading suggestions from “Regina”
      1. Grammar Girls Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
      2. Lead with a Story
      3. ProBlogger
  3. Write out a detailed goal list of how you’re going to spend the coming year. Day by day.  You have 52 weeks and 5 working days – How will you use your 260 days?  Seems like a lot but it really isn’t.  Make the most of each and every one of those days.

A quote from Og Mandino ” This too shall pass”