Celebrate every chance you get!!


It is an important component of being a leader.

It took me more years to learn about celebration than I would like to admit.

As a company, I gave out a bonus as the end of the  year.  Yeah!! But so what?

It was a complicated matrix – it took days to figure out.

We took our gross profit and took a percentage of that money and put it in a pool.  I don’t remember if it was 5 or 10%. That pool of money did not include two senior executives.  Years of service, volume of billable work, your presence at work and new client acquisition.

I said to just give out the bonus checks when one of my employees said I should be making a big deal out of it.  She was right.  I should have celebrated the bonus, our outcomes for the year.

Celebrate the effort, the time at work, the attention to possible new clients and thank people for being there with you.  Celebrate what you’ve accomplished and how you were able to achieve a profit to share..

It is part of the cheerleading.

Why are you doing this ?

Celebrate your contribution.

Everyone want to know why we are doing this – over and over and over again.

They want to be reminded of the mission and the vision.

Celebrate it every chance you get.