
Make the meeting a SPAT meeting.

  • Short
  • Predictable
  • Available
  • Timely

I think Dave Barry Sums it up well. ” If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be meetings.”

If you have to do it  SPAT  is the acronym to remember when planning a meeting.

  • Short   – keep it short, make it a stand up meeting.  Decisions are made faster when you can’t sit down.
  • Predictable. – if you have a meeting every week. Let people know what to expect, what time it will be over and when they can sit down.
  • Available – Confirm attendees – There’s nothing worse than having the influencer not be able to make it.
  • Timely –  Keep it on time!  Write the time in the agenda. This way everyone know when they can sit down.


Keep meetings Sort, Predictable, Available, and Timely.