
Tweet Be Tender Being tender does take a little practice. I would recommend you practice stoicism. Stoicism It is an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge, and...


Tweet Plan. If you plan 52 meetings a year.  You may need a map. Knowing where you are going helps you choose a plan for getting there.  If you plan to visit San Francisco from New York City, use the map, find the roads and plan the trip.  The same is true if you plan...

Asking for help

Tweet Asking is part of being a leader. Asking people to become a part of your idea or your dream is a big ask. You are asking them to engage. Engage in your idea, in your way of accomplishing the idea. Ask They will help. “If you are always trying to be normal,...


Tweet Ask – Ask for help Ask  – Ask for clarification Ask – Ask for specificity Ask – Ask for directions Ask – Ask to make a...