Your life’s work

Your life’s work

Tweet Envisioning Possibilities  Career           “The greatest thing is, at any moment to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.”  Max De Pree Dress for Success            I spoke to a young person recently about their career. They...
Death Row Bunny

Death Row Bunny

Tweet pixabay moritz Imagine being on death row and a few days away from your demise. Then, at the last moment, you get a reprieve. Would you do anything differently with your life? Would you see it as an opportunity to fulfill some of those goals and dreams that have...
Mikey has a bright future

Mikey has a bright future

Tweet   Mikey has a bright future  Yes, he could be a parent’s worse nightmare. “Hey Mikey! Grab that snake and carry it home. He’ll be our new pet.” “The ball got stuck in the rain gutter. Let’s help Mikey climb up there to get it...
Purpose Driven

Purpose Driven

Tweet Blog It’s that time of year. Make your vision board. Well, actually – Envisioning Possibility is an everyday occurrence, or it can be a regular occurrence. It’s allowing ourselves the time to dream. To think of the possibilities and address a few of the...


Tweet Be Tender Being tender does take a little practice. I would recommend you practice stoicism. Stoicism It is an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge, and...