
Who am I?

As a businesswoman
I am an award-winning speaker, author, and business consultant/coach.
Before launching Advanta Strategies, LLC, I was President and Chief Marketer for THE LRF Design Group, Inc., a leading mid-size interior design consulting firm in NJ, creating relationships with Fortune 500 companies and building a 7 figure business from a room in my basement.

As a student…
Graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology with a degree in Interior Design
I graduated from Rowan University with a degree in Education – Art.
I am currently attending Kutztown University for my M. Ed. Art

During COVID-19, I completed a six-month noncredit program through the University of Pennsylvania, Foundations in Positive Psychology through the University of Michigan, and Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most.
Recently, I completed a certificate program in Feng Shui to add depth to my knowledge as I gave the workshop “Envision Possibilities” based on the Feng Shui principles on Jan 20th, 2024.
Today, I attend a watercolor class with the most fantastic teacher. I’m excited to explore those rusty skills.

As a Rotarian
I’ve been a member since 2000 – State College Downtown Rotary, Trainer for District 7360, National Immunization Day Madagascar, and Humor Week in Bulgaria as a clown. I was married to a district governor, so I underwent the same training he did during the ramp-up to his leadership position.

Wife of Jerry Friedman – deceased
I was married to a great guy. A brilliant Aerospace Engineer and Astrophysicist who died of Alzheimer’s in 2019. I was his primary and only caregiver. You can see the drop off in activity since 2017, when doing anything other than caregiving was impossible. I wouldn’t change a minute of our time together.

My personal timeline is an exciting ride. I caught the tail of that comet as it swung by, and I’ve been hanging on every sin




Rotary – Vision 2025

  Envisioning Possibilities   Creativity Creativity involves generating new ideas, solutions, or original and valuable approaches. Ways to Enhance Creativity Engage in diverse experiences, such as traveling, learning new skills, or meeting new people. Visit...

Our Children

“Although they are with you, they do not belong to you” Gibran


A few reasons to keep family.

Math Basics – four

Four basic maths. Being in business you need to know the four basic math equations which are add, subtract, multiply or times (depending on your age) and divide. These are the tools you use to count your money, estimate your expenses, forecast your business and share...

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Other Peoples Pics

Other Peoples Pics I have a special file in my computer for other peoples’ pictures. The photographs shown here are the work of Donald Pflaster and Frank Banish. Although it seems like I’m stealing, I’m not. In fact, I’m covered under the fair use act. More...

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Oatmeal and Oregano

Oatmeal and Oregano   Paying attention - I wasn’t.   This morning while making oatmeal, which I do most mornings, I grabbed the red topped container which I do most mornings. Didn’t pay attention.   The red topped container was in the usual spot next to...

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1st one

I signed up  - I did it!    But with a blue pen..... A 30 day blogging commit or maybe 31 days, they added an extra day.  They talked me into it!  Paul and Danni did it again.  Here is what they said “Day 1 - let your readers know that you are participating in the...

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 That's way you need to create a vision board. Dec. 10th 2016 all day  you'll have a great time with thoughtful, wonderful people. Create your own community of people who are mindful about the future, their lives and the lives of their family and friends.  People who...

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Everything will work again if you unplug it including you. …  Anne Lamotte This quote made me smile and  think.  No, I haven’t unplugged in quite a while.  When am I going to unplug?  The chatter of the monkey brain getting me again. Working hard, hard working,...

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