Who am I?
As a businesswoman
I am an award-winning speaker, author, and business consultant/coach.
Before launching Advanta Strategies, LLC, I was President and Chief Marketer for THE LRF Design Group, Inc., a leading mid-size interior design consulting firm in NJ, creating relationships with Fortune 500 companies and building a 7 figure business from a room in my basement.
As a student…
Graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology with a degree in Interior Design
I graduated from Rowan University with a degree in Education – Art.
I am currently attending Kutztown University for my M. Ed. Art
During COVID-19, I completed a six-month noncredit program through the University of Pennsylvania, Foundations in Positive Psychology through the University of Michigan, and Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most.
Recently, I completed a certificate program in Feng Shui to add depth to my knowledge as I gave the workshop “Envision Possibilities” based on the Feng Shui principles on Jan 20th, 2024.
Today, I attend a watercolor class with the most fantastic teacher. I’m excited to explore those rusty skills.
As a Rotarian
I’ve been a member since 2000 – State College Downtown Rotary, Trainer for District 7360, National Immunization Day Madagascar, and Humor Week in Bulgaria as a clown. I was married to a district governor, so I underwent the same training he did during the ramp-up to his leadership position.
Wife of Jerry Friedman – deceased
I was married to a great guy. A brilliant Aerospace Engineer and Astrophysicist who died of Alzheimer’s in 2019. I was his primary and only caregiver. You can see the drop off in activity since 2017, when doing anything other than caregiving was impossible. I wouldn’t change a minute of our time together.
My personal timeline is an exciting ride. I caught the tail of that comet as it swung by, and I’ve been hanging on every sin
Envisioning Possibilities AWE - AWE a book by dacher keltner "In Awe, Dacher Keltner presents a radical investigation and deeply personal inquiry into this elusive emotion. Revealing new research into how awe transforms our brains and bodies, alongside an...
Envisioning Possibilities - Wealth I admire Robert Kiyosaki, he wrote the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and educated me about money. Inspired, I purchased his game Cash Flow. - "Cashflow." It's a board game designed to teach players about...
Envision Possibilities
A dream, a vision or thoughtful consideration
Sea Turtle Triumph
Smart Goals and Sea Turtles
Death Row Bunny
Alex was saved but how?
The Grit Scale
pixabay moritz Measuring GRIT The Grit Scale . "Angela Duckworth created the Grit Scale so that she could study grit as a scientist. Why? Because you cannot study what you cannot measure. Here is a link to her scale – measure yourself ...
Wow! You’ve accomplished so much! It is inspiring. It gives me hope that I can reach my greatest potential.