Filling your mind and mine with positive thoughts . The law of abundance
Gratitude fills my heart as I acknowledge the transformative power within me as I attract abundance.
I am thankful for the abundant blessings that effortlessly flow into my life.
With each moment of gratitude, I amplify my magnetic energy, attracting even more prosperity.
Envisioning Possibilities AWE - AWE a book by dacher keltner "In Awe, Dacher Keltner presents a radical investigation and deeply personal inquiry into this elusive emotion. Revealing new research into how awe transforms our brains and bodies, alongside an...
Envisioning Possibilities - Wealth I admire Robert Kiyosaki, he wrote the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and educated me about money. Inspired, I purchased his game Cash Flow. - "Cashflow." It's a board game designed to teach players about...
Envision Possibilities
A dream, a vision or thoughtful consideration
Sea Turtle Triumph
Smart Goals and Sea Turtles
Death Row Bunny
Alex was saved but how?
The Grit Scale
pixabay moritz Measuring GRIT The Grit Scale . "Angela Duckworth created the Grit Scale so that she could study grit as a scientist. Why? Because you cannot study what you cannot measure. Here is a link to her scale – measure yourself ...