Envisioning Possibilities
I believe that by acting the part, you’ll get the part!
I’m not talking about the “fake it till you make it” acting the part. I’m suggesting that you learn what the behavior is, which will speed the way into the work that you want to do.
“Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. If you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds only half man’s hunger.” From Kalil Gibran
If the part you want in your life or your career you want is that of a baker, and you love working as a baker, learn all you need to know to be the best baker you can be. If you act like the best baker because you are paying attention to the exact recipe, you will bake the best bread.
And when you make the best bread, you will soar! And become the best!
Asking for help
Asking is part of being a leader. Asking people to become a part of your idea or your dream is a big ask. You are asking them to engage. Engage in your idea, in your way of accomplishing the idea. Ask They will help. "If you are always trying to be normal, you will...
Ask - Ask for help Ask - Ask for clarification Ask - Ask for specificity Ask - Ask for directions Ask - Ask to make a friend
Pickles and Pitch
Pickles and Pitches Pickles I’ve been told help you curb your appetite, they are low in calories and are super delicious. Was I sold a “bill of goods”? They are all those things and are questionable regarding curb your appetite. I want more. What are the secret...
Dinner Conversation
Who speaks first at a dinner? You do! The best way to start a conversation with your table mate is for you to ask questions. But before you sit down, there may be a standing for pre-dinner drinks and conversation. Any question, almost, will do. For starters for that...
Courage “Happiness is not found in things you possess, but in what you have the courage to release.” Nathaniel Hawthorne What needs to be released, the piano, the sewing machine or the fish from your latest ocean adventure. Or is it the courage to release your...
It wasn’t my fault!
It wasn’t my fault! It wasn’t my fault the computer network went down. It wasn’t my fault that I started the post after 8:00 pm and had to be up at 5:00 am the next day. It wasn’t my fault….it wasn’t my fault. I’ve had to learn that everything is my...
Absolutely true – and in all vocations whether white or blue color jobs.
I agree with you completely. And I truly love the work I do!