Envisioning Possibilities


I believe that by acting the part, you’ll get the part!

I’m not talking about the “fake it till you make it” acting the part. I’m suggesting that you learn what the behavior is, which will speed the way into the work that you want to do.

“Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. If you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds only half man’s hunger.” From Kalil Gibran

If the part you want in your life or your career you want is that of a baker, and you love working as a baker, learn all you need to know to be the best baker you can be. If you act like the best baker because you are paying attention to the exact recipe, you will bake the best bread.

And when you make the best bread, you will soar! And become the best!



Rotary – Vision 2025

  Envisioning Possibilities   Creativity Creativity involves generating new ideas, solutions, or original and valuable approaches. Ways to Enhance Creativity Engage in diverse experiences, such as traveling, learning new skills, or meeting new people. Visit...

Our Children

“Although they are with you, they do not belong to you” Gibran


A few reasons to keep family.

How to be remembered

How to be remembered You’ve been invited to a professional dinner with other professionals. What do you talk about? What, who, where, when or how is the conversation going to center around? You have a million questions but you are stuck on “What am I going to say?”...

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I fell off the wagon

I fell off the wagon. What happened? A combination of things happened, the first day I forgot,  got too busy the next, was interrupted by more important work and on and on.   Yes, I know that one day at a time works. It is part of the 12 step programs but this is a...

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Please Pass the Potatoes

Please pass the potatoes! As you might guess, business etiquette is one of my favorite topics.  It might make or break an opportunity lurking in the mind of a guest.   That opportunity may be the person sitting next to you at a picnic table in the home of a mutual...

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I’m collecting a few quotations about trust for a workshop, I’m doing at the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce, in New Jersey.  At a monthly leads networking, the frequent comment said is “we do business with people we know, like and trust” Here are a few...

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He Stole My Roll!

He stole my roll! I was sitting at a fancy luncheon table with people, I thought were fancy people. You know the kind, full of confidence, appear to know their stuff, successful in their line of work, well dressed, hard working and great conversationalist. I was...

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Spotlight Richard Biever

  A huge thank you to Richard Biever.  A musician, writer, director, producer, husband, father, friend and the Producing Artistic Director of FUSE Productions, State College, PA Why did I look for him and ultimately find him?  As the soprano member of my singing...

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