Bam and Glam gone
New Year – New You
Colors of the Year. Minimalism. Repurposing. And all that jazz.
I have a chance to do a little Feng Shui with the new Carpet in the bedroom.
You may have even heard about using the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui to design a home that will help you manifest your goals. In Feng Shui, you use a bagua – a sort of map – to help you redesign your home for success. Plants, water, colors, and other elements come together to change your space’s energy passively.
I’ve studied Feng Shui and used it in my Envisioning Possibilities Workshop.
Meetings Make the meeting a SPAT meeting. Short Predictable Available Timely I think Dave Barry Sums it up well. " If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be...
Celebrate It is an important component of being a leader. It took me more years to learn about celebration than I would like to admit. As a company, I gave out a bonus as the end of the year. Yeah!! But so what? It was a complicated matrix - it took days to figure...
Quote #1
Quote I’m writing/authoring a book using quotes. Initially I started with the all the motivational quotes I could find. Then I looked at a book my daughter gave me with women’s quotes. We, us women, are different in how we process and how we quote. Early 1700's we...
Plan. If you plan 52 meetings a year. You may need a map. Knowing where you are going helps you choose a plan for getting there. If you plan to visit San Francisco from New York City, use the map, find the roads and plan the trip. The same is true if you plan to...
Leadership Retreat We are business people creating a tribe. Is retreat the word we use to describe a day or two of planning? Definition of a "leaders" retreat 1a(1) : an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or...
Write the Agenda
Write the Agenda The Format, the Timing and the Memorable Message. Carol Walsh is a Mary Kay, executive director, and a former District Governor in Rotary. I watched her, she taught me about having an agenda as she facilitated meetings. Carol’s...