Bam and Glam gone
New Year – New You
Colors of the Year. Minimalism. Repurposing. And all that jazz.
I have a chance to do a little Feng Shui with the new Carpet in the bedroom.
You may have even heard about using the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui to design a home that will help you manifest your goals. In Feng Shui, you use a bagua – a sort of map – to help you redesign your home for success. Plants, water, colors, and other elements come together to change your space’s energy passively.
I’ve studied Feng Shui and used it in my Envisioning Possibilities Workshop.
Envisioning Possibilities AWE - AWE a book by dacher keltner "In Awe, Dacher Keltner presents a radical investigation and deeply personal inquiry into this elusive emotion. Revealing new research into how awe transforms our brains and bodies, alongside an...
Envisioning Possibilities - Wealth I admire Robert Kiyosaki, he wrote the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and educated me about money. Inspired, I purchased his game Cash Flow. - "Cashflow." It's a board game designed to teach players about...
Envision Possibilities
A dream, a vision or thoughtful consideration
Sea Turtle Triumph
Smart Goals and Sea Turtles
Death Row Bunny
Alex was saved but how?
The Grit Scale
pixabay moritz Measuring GRIT The Grit Scale . "Angela Duckworth created the Grit Scale so that she could study grit as a scientist. Why? Because you cannot study what you cannot measure. Here is a link to her scale – measure yourself ...