It’s that time of year. Make your vision board.
Well, actually – Envisioning Possibility is an everyday occurrence, or it can be a regular occurrence.
It’s allowing ourselves the time to dream. To think of the possibilities and address a few of the changes in our mind and, therefore, our lives.
I’ve moved my office location in my home to a more private space. I took over a former bedroom. The physical move was easy. It was to move a file, desk, and bookcases. The more time-intensive part is the supply area, books, and inside the files… It is the opportunity to have a place for everything and everything in its place.
In doing some research, I found that massive changes like this can be rattling or energizing. Our mind says – that’s not in the usual place, that’s not normal, that is not my routine or habit. Then, the mind starts searching for the adventure. If the exploration works for you, the energy kicks in.
I facilitated a workshop on envisioning the possibilities. Still, I got tired of using the words A Purpose Driven Vision Board Workshop. Like all Public Relations, as soon as you’ve heard yourself speak it a million times and you’re tired of it, some people only hear it for the first time.
Create a purpose-driven vision board, and you will begin uncovering the possibilities.
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