Envisioning Possibilities
Creativity involves generating new ideas, solutions, or original and valuable approaches.
Ways to Enhance Creativity
A few more ideas
Take courses or workshops in fields unrelated to your primary interest. For example, if you’re a scientist, try a course in creative writing or art.
Collaborate with Diverse Teams Work on projects with people from different professions, backgrounds, and cultures to gain new insights and approaches.
In a class Sterling Edwards helped me to gain new insights into the “look” of the beach.
Join me July 23 and July 30 for Envisioning Possibilities – evening 6 – 7:30.
www.envisioiningpossibilities.com a workshop given by Advanta Strategies.
Images Linda Reed Friedman
Wisdom and Knowledge – photo by Ellen Kalish Ravenbeard Wildlife Center
Your life’s work
Envisioning Possibilities – Yout Career
“The greatest thing is, at any moment to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.” Max De Pree
Image – Global Services in Education
Thinking Community
There is a vitality a life force…
mage by Kenya Aguirre from Pixabay
Four creativity tools. Picture by Geralt Pixabay
Envisioning Possibilities AWE - AWE a book by dacher keltner "In Awe, Dacher Keltner presents a radical investigation and deeply personal inquiry into this elusive emotion. Revealing new research into how awe transforms our brains and bodies, alongside an...