Envisioning Possibilities
Creativity involves generating new ideas, solutions, or original and valuable approaches.
Eco Printing with Claire
We collaborated with Claire a few days ago to do printing at her outdoor studio – a converted hot house – which still has spaces for pots and buds but is mainly used for eco-printing complete with a microwave used only for crafts.
The pictures give you a hint of what we did.
Here’s how it works a complete description from Claire
FABRIC – use PFD (prepared for dye) cotton, or well washed cotton (to remove any sizing), silk or wool.
For fabric blocks:
- Cut fabric to size of ceramic tile or a thin wood. The tile or wood will be used on either end of the stack.
- Slip cloth into rusty water and place leaves which have soaked in rusty water on fabric.
- Put fabric on top of 1 ceramic tile piece.
- Continue to stack more fabric then leaves on top of one another.
- Top with the other tile and use rubber bands to hold the “press” tightly.
- Put in zip lock plastic bag and seal. Cook in microwave until temp reaches 180-190 degrees F. about 4 min. (900 watt microwave)
- Remove and let bag sit in sun for more heat until dusk- bring inside and weigh with 15 lb. dumb bell. Open in am, remove leaves, and rinse fabric.
- Let fabric soak for 15 min in a solution of 1 cup salt to 1 gallon water to stop effect of rust on fabric which can be damaging over time. Set print with iron.
What you need :
Rubber gloves and apron or wear old clothes.
Bring paper for cards (watercolor pad #140 ) , or cloth (cotton, silk or wool) No synthetic- old sheet, tshirt,etc.
You will cut paper or fabric to size of tiles or wood when here.
Rusty water, leaves, zip lock bags, microwave, heat gun.
After bag has set overnight at home you will be disassembling your stack and rinsing off leaves.
A few pictures of the results tomorrow
Join me July 23 and July 30 for Envisioning Possibilities – evening 6 – 7:30.
www.envisioiningpossibilities.com a workshop given by Advanta Strategies.
Images Linda Reed Friedman
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