Envisioning Possibilities –  Creativity

Four Creativity Tools

With fun

Mind Mapping – SCAMPER – Six Thinking Hats – Random Words

 1.  Mind Mapping: A visual tool for organizing thoughts and ideas in a hierarchical structure, typically starting from a central concept or theme and branching out into related subtopics. It stimulates associative thinking by allowing users to freely connect concepts, enabling brainstorming, problem-solving, and planning

Mind Mapping Madness: Mind mapping is like drawing a treasure map to explore the vast landscapes of your imagination. Draw a circle with you in the center and three people you might imagine yourself as being.

  1. SCAMPER Technique

An acronym representing a set of thinking prompts to stimulate creative problem-solving and idea generation. SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse/Rearrange. Each letter prompts the thinker to approach a problem or idea from a different angle, encouraging innovation and divergent thinking

For Fun – Embark on a wild adventure through the jungle of your mind with the SCAMPER safari! Grab your binoculars and explore the terrain, substituting trees for ideas, combining creatures for new inventions, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape. It’s an expedition of creativity where every twist and turn leads to discovery and innovation!

3. Six Thinking Hats Spectacular

Six Thinking Hats: Developed by Edward de Bono, this method involves wearing different metaphorical “hats” to approach a problem or decision from six distinct perspectives: white for facts and information, red for emotions and intuition, black for critical judgment, yellow for optimism and positivity, green for creativity and new ideas, and blue for managing the thinking process. By systematically considering various viewpoints, individuals or groups can enhance decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity.

For Fun – Step right up to the greatest show of creative thinking on Earth! Put on your fanciest top hat and join the circus of ideas with the Six Thinking Hats Spectacular! Juggle facts, tame wild emotions, walk the tightrope of critical judgment, and leap through hoops of creativity. With each act, you’ll amaze and astound with your dazzling displays of problem-solving prowess!

  1. Random Word/Stimulus Technique:

A technique that involves using random words or stimuli to trigger new associations and ideas. Participants generate random words or images and then brainstorm connections between them and a specific problem or challenge

For Fun Random Word Rodeo*: Saddle up, partners! It’s time to wrangle some wild ideas at the Random Word Rodeo! Grab your lasso and rope in those pesky problems with the most unexpected of tools – random words! Ride the range of your imagination as you corral concepts and steer them toward the sunset of success. Yeehaw!

For more information about DeBono’s “Six Thinking Hats, I’m including my affiliate link https://amzn.to/4am15dk





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