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Imagine being on death row and a few days away from your demise.
Then, at the last moment, you get a reprieve.
Would you do anything differently with your life? Would you see it as an opportunity to fulfill some of those goals and dreams that have lingered in the back of your mind for years?
That’s what happened to Alex.
Alex is a thirty pound bunny who was biding his time in a California slaughterhouse. Magically, he was rescued.
Now he’s living a life that no rabbit – and few humans – can dream about.
He’s a working “therapy bunny” who attends over 200 events per year.
People love him wherever he goes.
He travels in style, in an electric. mini-Mercedes SLK.
He has 26,000 followers on Instagram, 34,000 on Tik Tok, and some of his latest videos clocked over a million views.
Not bad, considering he was almost a pot of rabbit stew.
Of course, Alex had guidance and someone charting his course for him.
Yes, even bunnies need a plan.
If you’re ready to make some changes, set and reach some goals and dreams, but don’t know where to start, here’s your chance to create a plan to move your life forward.
The next “Envisioning Possibilities” workshop is scheduled for March 9th.
Whether your goal is:
– Financial Freedom
– Rewarding Relationships
– Better Health
– Professional Growth
this course will help you create a recipe to follow, a strategy for success.
And fricassee will not be on any of the menus.
Here’s everything you need to know to sign up:
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