Envisioning Possibilities  


Creativity involves generating new ideas, solutions, or original and valuable approaches.

Ways to Enhance Creativity


Results of the Eco Printing with Claire


The fabric I used was plain old linen. 

The reveal was interesting. We folded our fabric in an accordion pleat the size of the tiles as we placed them one by one on the dampened fabric. This meant that a leaf would be used twice, and the fabric would have two different prints on two different sides. The results were amazing. The second print almost looks ghost-like.

Rinsing the fabric was a bit more complicated. First it needed to be almost washed well in a baking soda bath.  Second was a wash with Dawn soap and a through rinsing.  We chose to dry our strips of fabric in the sun on the patio. You can also use the dryer.

I’m excited about the results but now what?  What do I do with 5  six foot long pieces of muslin dyed a rusty brown/black when it’s only 4”-5” wide.

Join me July 23 and July 30 for Envisioning Possibilities –  evening 6 – 7:30.

www.envisioiningpossibilities.com a workshop given by Advanta Strategies.


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  Envisioning Possibilities   Creativity Creativity involves generating new ideas, solutions, or original and valuable approaches. Ways to Enhance Creativity Engage in diverse experiences, such as traveling, learning new skills, or meeting new people. Visit...

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