Envisioning Possibilities
One of the tenants’ of Fung Shui and the Bagua is family.
Although the topic of family might be a touchy issue for some, we need family. Some members of my family are by choice because they earned it. They’ve been there. Or maybe, in some cases, the biological members of the family are missing, physically and emotionally. We must let each person live their journey and resolve their issues. In addition, we have to take care of ourselves.
We need our family, and here are a few reasons why
“Families provide a *safe and nurturing environment* where members can freely express their feelings without fear of judgment or reprisal. This environment is crucial because it creates a space where individuals feel secure enough to share their deepest emotions, whether they are experiencing joy, sorrow, anger, or fear. In such an environment, members can celebrate their successes together, amplifying their happiness and creating lasting memories that strengthen family bonds.”
This does not happen all the time or every time. But it happens enough times that we feel connected and know we have a family.
Join me July 23 and July 30 for Envisioning Possibilities – evening 6 – 7:30.
www.envisioiningpossibilities.com a workshop given by Advanta Strategies.
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