Feng Shui
– maybe vases full of fresh flowers might bring life into a room, but what if you established a routine of exercises to increase your overall energy and health?
In the family corner, you might create a photo gallery of friends and family to brighten up empty walls, but reaching out to people you cherish goes much further to grow bonds and improve relationships.
In the “Envisioning Possibilities” workshops, we also use a bagua. But, instead of finding the right corner of your home to display your Hummel figurine collection, we use it to chart out the best paths to follow if you want to achieve some of your most precious dreams and goals.
Envisioning Possibilities - Wealth I admire Robert Kiyosaki, he wrote the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and educated me about money. Inspired, I purchased his game Cash Flow. - "Cashflow." It's a board game designed to teach players about...
Envision Possibilities
A dream, a vision or thoughtful consideration
Sea Turtle Triumph
Smart Goals and Sea Turtles
Death Row Bunny
Alex was saved but how?
The Grit Scale
pixabay moritz Measuring GRIT The Grit Scale . "Angela Duckworth created the Grit Scale so that she could study grit as a scientist. Why? Because you cannot study what you cannot measure. Here is a link to her scale – measure yourself ...
Grit for all
Grit is more than grinding our teeth behind a smile.