
Finding a lover—In a romantic relationship, a lover displays a range of characteristics and behaviors that demonstrate affection, commitment, and emotional connection toward another person.

Where do we find such a person?  By expanding our social network – Here are a few suggestions – I don’t want to overwhelm you or me.  We start with a few possibilities and slowly build our list.

A list of non-athletic and non-religious activities for adults to consider.

Exploring your hobbies and interests is a great start

Which one of these tickles your fancy?

Cooking/Baking Classes





Writing/Book Clubs

Crafting (knitting, scrapbooking, etc.)

Music (learning an instrument, joining a band)

Acting/Theater Groups

Language Learning

Board Games/Card Games

Wine Tasting

DIY Projects/Home Improvement


I love watercolor painting, which tickles my fancy, and sewing, which is not specifically on this list.

I’m looking forward to learning more about you.

Images for this post were created by Linda Reed Friedman, from unsplash, Javier vinals, bred Jordan and geert pieters








Rotary – Vision 2025

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Our Children

“Although they are with you, they do not belong to you” Gibran


A few reasons to keep family.


Outcomes Outcomes vs. activity. When the activity of practicing the violin matches the outcome of having a seat in an orchestra. Goal accomplished. But when business owners are so easily distracted by activity, and  miss our goal and  to wallow in the sea of...

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Meetings Make the meeting a SPAT meeting. Short Predictable Available Timely I think Dave Barry Sums it up well. " If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be...

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Celebrate It is an important component of being a leader. It took me more years to learn about celebration than I would like to admit. As a company, I gave out a bonus as the end of the  year.  Yeah!! But so what? It was a complicated matrix - it took days to figure...

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Quote #1

Quote I’m writing/authoring a book using quotes.  Initially I started with the all the motivational quotes I could find.  Then I looked at a book my daughter gave me with women’s quotes. We, us women, are different in how we process and how we quote. Early  1700's we...

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Plan. If you plan 52 meetings a year.  You may need a map. Knowing where you are going helps you choose a plan for getting there.  If you plan to visit San Francisco from New York City, use the map, find the roads and plan the trip.  The same is true if you plan to...

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Leadership Retreat We are business people creating a tribe. Is retreat the word we use to describe a day or two of planning? Definition of  a "leaders" retreat 1a(1) :  an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or...

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