Finding a lover—In a romantic relationship, a lover displays a range of characteristics and behaviors that demonstrate affection, commitment, and emotional connection toward another person.
Where do we find such a person? By expanding our social network – Here are a few suggestions – I don’t want to overwhelm you or me. We start with a few possibilities and slowly build our list.
A list of non-athletic and non-religious activities for adults to consider.
Exploring your hobbies and interests is a great start
Which one of these tickles your fancy?
Cooking/Baking Classes
Writing/Book Clubs
Crafting (knitting, scrapbooking, etc.)
Music (learning an instrument, joining a band)
Acting/Theater Groups
Language Learning
Board Games/Card Games
Wine Tasting
DIY Projects/Home Improvement
I love watercolor painting, which tickles my fancy, and sewing, which is not specifically on this list.
I’m looking forward to learning more about you.
Images for this post were created by Linda Reed Friedman, from unsplash, Javier vinals, bred Jordan and geert pieters
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