It is a topic I want to pursue for a little bit. It is what I am all about. I didn’t realize I had grit until I took the Coursera Course on Positive Psychology. That’s when I realized and understood what GRIT was all about. Angela taught most of the course. /To define it. What is grit?
This is the definition according to Angela or Dr. Duckworth
“Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals.
One way to think about grit is to consider what grit isn’t.
Grit isn’t talent. Grit isn’t luck. Grit isn’t how intensely, for the moment, you want something.
Instead, grit is about having what some researchers call an”ultimate concern”–a goal you care about so much that it organizes and gives meaning to almost everything you do. And grit is holding steadfast to that goal. Even when you fall down. Even when you screw up. Even when progress toward that goal is halting or slow.
Talent and luck matter to success. But talent and luck are no guarantee of grit. And in the very long run, I think grit may matter as least as much, if not more.”
Where is your grit? Do you have any?
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