Image by Tú Anh from Pixabay
How I met your father….
I’m a member and president of Lehigh Valley Toastmasters this year. One of our members, John, signed up to be a speaker on Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. John asked me to write about how I met Jerry.
To put this into perspective – I married Jerry on 6.29.1968. He died 10.5.2019. I wouldn’t change a minute.
How did I meet this guy?
I needed a part-time job, having just graduated College, my first was being the part-time activities director for the summer. It didn’t pay enough. My mother worked in a bank, and Jerry’s dad would come in from time to time. He asked my Mom if she knew anyone needing a part-time job.
I was sent for the interview to a crappy old warehouse about 1 mile from my home In Secaucus, NJ.
Jerry’s father would pick up shipments of everything from skis to musical instruments on the Dock in Elizabeth. Yamaha sent this shipment.
My wanna-be “father-in-law” would store the material in the warehouse until a local store ordered a guitar, piano, or skis. He would then deliver them. My “wanna-be husband” would have to pack and repack the skis.
It was hot working in an un–air–conditioned warehouse in the summer. I sat in the upstairs airconditioned office next to the water cooler. Jerry and I would chat. Short spurts of conversation several times in the mornings I worked.
He asked me out. I couldn’t go – I had a date with my Mom to go shopping.
I didn’t plan to get married – I had dated quite a few “boys/men” by the time I was 23. I was considered old in those days regarding getting married. I had been engaged and broke it off.
Besides why should I date a guy who was all wrong for me? He was still in College – 3 years younger than I. He was Jewish – I was Protestant. My family had a fit when I dated Victor, the Catholic. And this guy was an SOB – Son of a Boss. I had been engaged to an SOB ( long story for later.) I said No several times, but our water cooler conversations got more interesting.
He was smart – studying to be an Aerospace Engineer. So I said yes to a movie date in NYC. A thousand clowns. (A Thousand Clowns makes a fine case for the life of the eccentric.) A conversation ensued after the movie we talked and talked. I got home at 2 am.
That was a conversation that never ended. Adding in a fabulous sense of humor and desire for adventure, we married and landed in California for a year, Colorado for two and back in NJ for many more. I had a fantastic life with someone who helped me grow beyond my wildest dreams and change. I’m grateful.
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