Image by Jerry Friedman
I’m spinning off Jeanine Byers post about humor.
After working for many years in corporate America, I thought I had lost my sense of humor. You know what a stressful job is like. On time and within budget can be a life-changing event if you miss it.
My remedy for that was going to clown school. Yes, there is such a thing. At the time, one was at the University of Wisconsin in La Croix. My stomach hurt when I got home, and I was exhausted.
Rosie the Clown was born there. Her birthing costume was sewn before she arrived. The experience was priceless. Multiply the ways to get a person to giggle.
For instance, when you see someone in the super market running the wheelchair, ask when and where did they get a license to do that. Or if they needed a license. Check out the expression on the persons face first, they may not be in the mood for your humor. I have rarely had a bad, sad response.
Gabravo, Bulgaria claims to be the humor capital of the world, with a humor festival in May. I marched in their parade.
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