Image by Jerry Friedman
I’m spinning off Jeanine Byers post about humor.
After working for many years in corporate America, I thought I had lost my sense of humor. You know what a stressful job is like. On time and within budget can be a life-changing event if you miss it.
My remedy for that was going to clown school. Yes, there is such a thing. At the time, one was at the University of Wisconsin in La Croix. My stomach hurt when I got home, and I was exhausted.
Rosie the Clown was born there. Her birthing costume was sewn before she arrived. The experience was priceless. Multiply the ways to get a person to giggle.
For instance, when you see someone in the super market running the wheelchair, ask when and where did they get a license to do that. Or if they needed a license. Check out the expression on the persons face first, they may not be in the mood for your humor. I have rarely had a bad, sad response.
Gabravo, Bulgaria claims to be the humor capital of the world, with a humor festival in May. I marched in their parade.
image by robinsonk26 from Pixabay Solving problems "We can't solve the same problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them". …Albert Einstein A spin-off of the definition of insanity. I can remember sitting in my office as the...
Daily Routine
Morning and Night
Gratitude for the Daily Stoic
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Secret to a good conversation
Listen and a thank you to Wallusy for image
Self Care
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New Carpet – New Me
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