Marty Seligiman
Positive Emotions help us flourish
Positive emotions, in Dr. Martin Seligman’s perspective, encompass a range of feelings such as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and love. These emotions are crucial in enhancing an individual’s mental and emotional health. According to Seligman, fostering positive emotions is not just about feeling good temporarily; it is also linked to building resilience, improving coping mechanisms, and contributing to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
Part of PERMA
image by robinsonk26 from Pixabay Solving problems "We can't solve the same problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them". …Albert Einstein A spin-off of the definition of insanity. I can remember sitting in my office as the...
Humor all around
Rosie Marched in the Humor Parade in Gabravo Bulgaria
Daily Routine
Morning and Night
Gratitude for the Daily Stoic
The Daily Stoic A few years ago I was gifted the book “The daily Stoic" by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. I read it with a friend daily and we texted our thoughts without judgement. The experience was priceless for both of us. "Gratitude is not only the...
Secret to a good conversation
Listen and a thank you to Wallusy for image
Self Care
Self-care has three parts – Physical, Mental and Spiritual – are you paying more attention to one than the other.