Envisioning Possibilities
Sharpen the Saw
Have you ever tried to scrape paint with a dull razor?
How about cutting a fine piece of fabric with rusty shears?
Or maybe slice a bagel with a knife that hasn’t been sharpened since, well, ever?
The painter knows that the dull razor will make their job more difficult and time-consuming.
The seamstress keeps a set of fabric shears clean and dedicated to just fabric, to ensure that the edges of fine cloth aren’t mangled and ragged upon cutting.
As for the bagel connoisseur?
A sharpened knife is one of the best defenses against an unexpected visit to an urgent care doctor.
This same logic was articulated by the late Stephen R. Covey in his bestselling book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
“Habit 7 is taking time to sharpen the saw. It’s preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have – you. This is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life – investment in ourselves.”
When you don’t make this investment in keeping yourself sharp, you’re inviting the various facets of your life to deteriorate.
You wake up one morning and realize your health has decayed. Untended relationships have withered. Your business has stagnated.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
The tools of most trades, or even hobbies, go well beyond cutlery.
We are the tool that runs our lives and each part of it. Success in our health, business, relationship, spiritual, financial, social, and other areas of our lives requires constant renewal and sharpening our behaviors, thoughts, goals, and plans. And just like the sharpening of tools takes time, our personal sharpening takes time along with self-discipline and a plan.
The next “Envisioning Possibilities” workshop will help you sharpen your personal saw and cut through the underbrush that’s been in the way of your success. We’ll help you identify the goals you want to reach, the tools you’ll need, and a plan to put you on the path to success.
Join me July 23 and July 30 for Envisioning Possibilities – evening 6 – 7:30.
www.envisioiningpossibilities.com a workshop given by Advanta Strategies.
Purpose Driven
A purpose driven vision board- explore the possibilities.
A bit about Linda
Who am I?
As a businesswoman
I am an award-winning speaker, author, and business consultant/coach.
A little bit of sleep goes a long way
Starting Again 2024
Happy New Year.
Question of the year 2024 – from 2023. What’s working for you?
I’m a list maker, so I’ll begin.
Working for me # 1 – Sleep Habit
I end every day writing a list, surprise, right? I write not just thinking about – it’s easy to go to bed and think oh, that went well or that was good. But writing it down and, in some cases, noting how that happened? When I write how I made that happen, I’m surprised to learn that I planted a seed a few days, weeks, or months ago, and the outcome started growing. The result is incredible, and I am grateful. The acknowledgment of that outcome is in my writing at night.
I write the three things I’m grateful for during the day. The results are fascinating.
1. Most importantly, I get a good night’s sleep. I haven’t stuffed my mind with useless trivia or negative thinking.
2. It helps me reflect on the things or circumstances I created to support that good part of the day and how I can repeat them.
Working for me #2 – Website Building
I am learning how to build my website again. Paul taught me in 2010 to develop my website from scratch. It served me well for many years. The new one is one in WordPress but with Elegant Themes and DIVI. I love it! I love working on it and figuring out the puzzle. Yes, it would be faster and easier if I hired someone to do that for me. But I’m not in a rush, and yet I am in a hurry. The joy of working on it outweighs the time it takes.
1. Learning Divi
2. Researching the best templates and methods of communication
Working for me #3 – Envisioning Possibilities
I have chosen a new set of words to define the purpose-driven vision workshop I’ve been doing for years. Although, many people find the terms interesting and exciting to follow, I was bored with the words.
I believe the concept is strong and still stands, but PDVB? Even the acronym looked stoggy.
Advanta Strategies is over 20 years old and it is my main business, this year I added a spark to it.
1. I purchased a new URL
2. Using Divi – created a website for people to sign up. www.envisioningpossibilities.com
Seems the culture for using a knife started atleast two and half million years ago and were made from a variety of metals i.e. copper, brass, iron, steel and ceramics. Their uses included hunting, carving and eating. Knives were a tool as much as a...
Napkins Whose napkin is it anyway? Is my napkin on the right of the place setting or on the left? According to Emily Post ( http://emilypost.com/advice/informal-place-setting/), this is where the napkins can be found. "Napkin: The napkin is folded or put in a napkin...