A good night’s sleep.
The recommendations come from research conducted by Dr. Marty Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania.
Simple solution
Write a minimum of three things you were grateful for during the day.
Those things can be people who gave you suggestions or thanked you for something you did—someone who acknowledges your work. It can be finding something you lost. I found my sister’s earring in the garage, seems the cat relocated it.
Some days’ I’m grateful for my early am hot cup of tea or a good meditation I found on you tube.
Or the warmth of the covers on my bed.
Each sets my mind thinking positive thoughts for my brain as I sleep.
Math Basics – four
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Other Peoples Pics
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Oatmeal and Oregano
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1st one
I signed up - I did it! But with a blue pen..... A 30 day blogging commit or maybe 31 days, they added an extra day. They talked me into it! Paul and Danni did it again. Here is what they said “Day 1 - let your readers know that you are participating in the...
That's way you need to create a vision board. Dec. 10th 2016 all day you'll have a great time with thoughtful, wonderful people. Create your own community of people who are mindful about the future, their lives and the lives of their family and friends. People who...
Everything will work again if you unplug it including you. … Anne Lamotte This quote made me smile and think. No, I haven’t unplugged in quite a while. When am I going to unplug? The chatter of the monkey brain getting me again. Working hard, hard working,...