Envisioning Possibilities
Fear of giving a speech can affect your health.
Picture this: you’re standing in front of a sea of expectant faces, your palms sweating, knees knocking, and your mind going blank faster than a dropped call. Yes, it’s the dreaded speech-giving moment, where even the most eloquent among us can become a stumbling mess.
As a long-time toastmaster, I have found a few helpful hints to improve speaker health.
A grand opening line is a good start. The celebrated speaker, Patricia Fripp, suggests a few opening lines for your next business presentation.
The purpose of this meeting is to . . .
Thank you for the opportunity to . . .
You will remember at our last meeting . . .
Thank you for your support with . . .
We have an amazing opportunity to . . .
There will never be a more perfect time to . .
Congratulations . . .
Last but not least – I need to offer a plug for Toastmasters.
Sign on to Toastmasters.org and “find a club”. A few have remained online after COVID-19. Even though you don’t get that in-person experience, you will get a speaking experience.
My personal experience in Toastmasters launched a new career for me in 2000. After being a school teacher, a presenter for my company, and a business owner required to give presentations to get the work, I didn’t know what I was missing. I could have been so much more. In addition, I’ve won speech contests and gained new clients.
If you would like to join me at Lehigh Valley Toastmasters for a new experience, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Wed. from 7-9. www.LVToastmasters.org
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