Image by TheUjulala from Pixabay
A Thankful Heart
“The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.” – James E. Faust (1823–1910)
James E. Faust (1920–2007) was an American religious leader and attorney who served as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Born in Delta, Utah, Faust earned a law degree and had a successful legal career before dedicating his life to religious service. Known for his wisdom and compassion, he became a beloved figure in the LDS Church, leaving a lasting legacy of faith, humility, and teachings on gratitude.
Humor all around
Rosie Marched in the Humor Parade in Gabravo Bulgaria
Secret to a good conversation
Listen and a thank you to Wallusy for image
How I met your father
I know this is early but I wanted to share it now. I’m a member and president of Lehigh Valley Toastmasters this year. One of our members, John, signed up to be a speaker on Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. John asked me to write about how I met Jerry.
Daily Routine
Morning and Night
image by robinsonk26 from Pixabay Solving problems "We can't solve the same problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them". …Albert Einstein A spin-off of the definition of insanity. I can remember sitting in my office as the...
Gratitude for the Daily Stoic
The Daily Stoic A few years ago I was gifted the book “The daily Stoic" by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. I read it with a friend daily and we texted our thoughts without judgement. The experience was priceless for both of us. "Gratitude is not only the...