Photo thank you to Pixabay 

My aunt, at 97, is transitioning. She had a heart attack last week and has had the joy of seeing her grandchildren and the 1st great-grandchild. She and her husband have been the rock in my life. Their education was mentioned many times in my youth by my Mom and Dad: “See, Charlie graduated Princeton.” you can go to college. Although my Dad passed when I was 9, he instilled his desire in us for his girls to go to college. Charlie and Trudy have been the bright lights in our family—Dr—Charlie, Ph.D. in psychology, and Trudy, a Librarian. My sister and I both graduated college and taught school.

When visiting their home for the weekend, I arrived as the evening dishes were being washed by hand. While Trudy was washing them at the same time, Charlie kept her company, reading a book out loud. That was their routine. They were the picture of how I wanted to be married. Thanks to their influence, I chose well.

Forever grateful to them both.

Rotary – Vision 2025

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Our Children

“Although they are with you, they do not belong to you” Gibran


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Asking for help

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Dinner Conversation

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It wasn’t my fault!

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