Envisioning Possibilities –  Wealth




I admire Robert Kiyosaki, he wrote the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ and educated me about money.   Inspired, I purchased his game  Cash Flow.

– “Cashflow.” It’s a board game designed to teach players about financial literacy, investing, and wealth building in a fun and interactive way. The game simulates real-life financial scenarios, allowing players to learn and practice the principles discussed in the book. You can see how the “job title” has nothing to do with wealth. An administrative assistant can amass a fortune while the Dr., earning a ton, has thousands to pay off in debt for education and business. Several people play the game for fun and always look for people who want to play.

Savings are essential to our lives –since 30 % of our income is a lot to save, maybe we can think about it in a fun way.

I ask Chat AI to describe the savings scenario in a fun way. Here is what was written.


        “In the whimsical world of “Rich Uncle Rich Nephew,” our financial guru, Uncle Rich, advises his enthusiastic nephew on the three savings accounts pockets:

     Emergency Fund – The Safety Net Stash:  Just like having a superhero’s cape, your emergency fund swoops in to rescue you when unexpected financial villains strike! Whether it’s a flat tire, a sudden medical bill, or a surprise visit from your long-lost cousin, this stash keeps you covered and your financial fortress intact.

   Long-Term Savings – The Treasure Chest of Tomorrow: Ahoy, matey! Hoist the sails and set your course for future financial treasures! Your long-term savings are like burying a chest of gold doubloons on a distant island. Every piece of treasure you stash away grows over time, helping you sail smoothly into retirement, buy your dream home, or explore new adventures on the seven seas of life!

     Education Fund – The Brainy Piggy Bank: Oink, oink! Feed your brain and watch it grow! Like a magical piggy bank filled with wisdom coins, your education fund is where you invest in your brainpower. Whether learning a new skill, mastering a trade or diving into the depths of knowledge, every deposit you make here enriches your mind and sets sail for a brighter, more prosperous future!

So, there you have it, mateys! With these three savings pockets, you’ll be ready to conquer any financial storm, unearth hidden treasures, and become the master of your financial destiny! Hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for financial freedom! Arrr!

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