Envisioning Possibilities
Wisdom and Big Wind Day share a common thread: they both make you go, “Whoa!” Wisdom is like that sage advice from your grandma that always seems to hit the nail on the head. It’s the culmination of life’s lessons, wrapped up in a neat package of insight and understanding. And then there’s Big Wind Day, a celebration of meteorologists who nailed a forecast predicting a major gust. It’s like Mother Nature saying, “Hold onto your hats, folks!” So, whether it’s the wisdom of knowing when to bring an umbrella or the excitement of watching trees do the tango on Big Wind Day, both remind us that knowledge is power – and sometimes, it’s just plain cool.
Cats are always full of wisdom for the most part quietly observing their surroundings. This windy cat made me laugh out loud. Nothing was going to move him/her. Standing or sitting her ground no matter what. Image by Thomas G of Pixabay
Meetings Make the meeting a SPAT meeting. Short Predictable Available Timely I think Dave Barry Sums it up well. " If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be...
Celebrate It is an important component of being a leader. It took me more years to learn about celebration than I would like to admit. As a company, I gave out a bonus as the end of the year. Yeah!! But so what? It was a complicated matrix - it took days to figure...
Quote #1
Quote I’m writing/authoring a book using quotes. Initially I started with the all the motivational quotes I could find. Then I looked at a book my daughter gave me with women’s quotes. We, us women, are different in how we process and how we quote. Early 1700's we...
Plan. If you plan 52 meetings a year. You may need a map. Knowing where you are going helps you choose a plan for getting there. If you plan to visit San Francisco from New York City, use the map, find the roads and plan the trip. The same is true if you plan to...
Leadership Retreat We are business people creating a tribe. Is retreat the word we use to describe a day or two of planning? Definition of a "leaders" retreat 1a(1) : an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or...
Write the Agenda
Write the Agenda The Format, the Timing and the Memorable Message. Carol Walsh is a Mary Kay, executive director, and a former District Governor in Rotary. I watched her, she taught me about having an agenda as she facilitated meetings. Carol’s...
loved that pic of the windy cat – made me smile too.. and this post is simple yet profound wisdom
I love the reminder of a windy day, not that we have too many here, but we did recently. Just standing outside, with the wind in my face, was magic.