And all it takes is a two-dollar bet.
It’s sooooo tempting . . .
Snap out of it!
Sure, you can put your money and efforts into a little piece of paper with a 1 in 292.2 million chance of paying out for you.
Or you can do what a local business owner once told me.
“I only bet on myself.”
Yes, there is more than one kind of “drawing.”
Instead of waiting for a machine to draw your lucky numbers, why not take the time to draw a new map of your life? A map of your financial goals.
Of the next phase of your career.
Of your health and well-being.
I can help you do that.
Sign up now for my “Envisioning Possibilities” workshop and join other professionals who want to bet on themselves and draw success into their lives.
Your odds of creating a new future are all right here:
Stop waiting for your ship to come in. Be the captain of your own destiny.
Are you ready to make some changes in your life, but can’t find the right path to follow?
An unplanned cruise.
Image by dominador from Pixabay
Wisdom and Knowledge – photo by Ellen Kalish Ravenbeard Wildlife Center
Your life’s work
Envisioning Possibilities – Yout Career
“The greatest thing is, at any moment to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.” Max De Pree
Image – Global Services in Education
Thinking Community
There is a vitality a life force…
mage by Kenya Aguirre from Pixabay
Four creativity tools. Picture by Geralt Pixabay